COVID-19 Resources for Singers

All performing artists have experienced tremendous disruption as a consequence of restrictions required by the COVID-19 coronavirus. Singers can help raise awareness of the situation by participating in surveys, such as the Americans for the Arts economic impact survey; they can seek compensation for coronavirus-related losses from several relief funds, including one administered by BSR; and they can work to keep sharing music through several online platforms.

This is a growing document that will be updated periodically. We welcome any additional contributions to this list!

Relief Funds

  • New, applications accepted June 7–17: Relief grants from the Korean Cultural Society of Boston for Boston-area freelance artists in any discipline (and any nationality) who experience financial hardship from COVID19-related cancellations and closures. A one-time emergency grant of $300-$500 per household will be provided.
  • New applications now being accepted!The Boston Singers' Relief Fund, administered by BSR, offers grants to New England-based singers who are in need, including a special emergency relief fund to compensate singers up to $500 for lost income.
  • Deadline May 3! The New Hampshire State Council on the Arts Artist Emergency Grant program provides $500 grants to artists who have lost income due to the loss of jobs or cancellation/modification of specific, scheduled gigs or opportunities (e.g., commissions, performances, contracts, workshops, classes, etc.) because of COVID-19.
  • Artist Relief, a coalition of national arts grantmakers, will distribute $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19.
  • The Boston Artist Relief Fund will award grants of $500 and $1000 to individual artists who live in Boston whose creative practices and incomes are being adversely impacted by Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).
  • The Boston Music Maker Relief Fund was established by The Record Co. to provide financial relief to Boston area music makers experiencing lost income as the result of performance cancellations related to COVID-19. Small grants of up to $200 will be paid rapidly on a first come, first served basis to affected artists and groups.
  • The Cambridge Community Foundation Artist Relief Fund provides one-time relief of up to $1,000 to arts organizations and artists who live, work, create, and/or perform in Cambridge.
  • The Creative Portland Artist Relief Fund hopes to offer $500 stipends to help artists make ends meet, with the application process opening on March 30.
  • The Passim Emergency Artist Relief Fund (PEAR Fund) and the Keep Your Distance Festival: compensates for lost income for artists who have played a gig for Passim (or taught in the School of Music) in the last 10 years. Artists receiving grants record a video for the Keep Your Distance Festival which is featured on the website.
  • The Seacoast Relief Fund is for musicians in the greater Portsmouth N.H. area who have lost gigs, lost income, and lost opportunities. A board of local musicians will distribute the funds.
  • The Vermont Community Foundation has established the VT COVID-19 Response Fund to support nonprofits that are particularly equipped to address community impacts of the spread of the novel coronavirus in Vermont.
  • The Artists' Relief Tree is a relief fund for artists affected by cancellations due to COVID-19. Anyone who is an artist (of any kind) can request $250, provided on a first-come-first-serve basis (as of March 24, applications are temporarily frozen).
  • The Early Music America Relief Fund offers a check for $250 to those who are actively engaged in historical performance as a source of income (while funds last, on a first come, first served basis). EMA membership is not required.
  • The New Music Solidarity Fund (applications accepted beginning March 31) is a new initiative designed to help new/creative/improvised music freelancers whose livelihood has been threatened as a result of performances which have been canceled during the COVID-19 crisis. Grants of $500 are given on a first come, first served basis to everyone in need.
  • The CERF+ Emergency Grants and Resources for Artists focus on assistance for those infected with the virus who require intensive medical care.
  • The Musicians Foundation provides grants to U.S. musicians in any genre in a time of acute need due to personal, medical, dental, or family crisis, natural disaster, or other emergency situation (they do not write checks directly to musicians).
  • The American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) Relief Fund provides support and temporary financial assistance to AGMA members. Grants are awarded on a case-by-case basis, based on need.
  • The Grammy Foundation has a MusicCares Emergency Relief program


Medical Information

Other Sources of Information

Music in the Time of Coronavirus

Federal Government Assistance (and other legislation)

First, see the graphic in the right column for a "snapshot guide" for everyone who has lost work (even if you don't normally qualify for unemployment). Then sign up for the Americans for the Arts COVID-19 Relief Package Briefing and "Virtual Check-In" on Tuesday, March 31 at 3:00 p.m. (will be recorded).

  • Americans for the Arts analysis of support for the arts in the legislation
  • The Council of Nonprofits goes over the bill, noting Direct Payments to adults of $1,200 or less and $500 per child ($3,400 for a family of four), excluding high-income individuals, to be sent out in weeks; and Expanded Unemployment Insurance, including coverage for workers who are furloughed, gig workers, and freelancers and increasing payments by $600 per week for four months on top of what state unemployment programs pay.

State Government Assistance