Welcome to Boston Singers' Resource, a unique source of information, connections, and community for all in the the New England classical singing community. Here, we have resources for everyone, including directories of teachers and coaches, lists of performance organizations and of programs for children and youth, an extensive calendar of performances and a blog with career advice for singers.

It costs very little to join BSR and participate in our special programs, including twice-yearly auditions, performance and career-building workshops, and periodic recitals. Members get more out of this website, including the ability to build online profiles and access to special content. Institutions can also join BSR to get access for their members and to better reach the wide audience of BSR's individual members.

BSR News

No Stress Studio


Website Proposal

Cantos de mi Tierra

. MassOpera
Salem, MA

Guest Night & Open Rehearsal

. The A Cappella Singers of Natick
Natick, MA

Lily Smith : Recital in Boston

Boston , MA

Opera Maine and The Portland Symphony Orchestra Presents La bohème!

. Opera Maine and The Portland Symphony Orchestra
Portland, ME