BSR Blog

Why I wear tiki dresses to auditions
Soprano and BSR board member Stephanie Ma

3 tips on Hustle: how hard work can advance your career!
If there’s one thing all singers can relate to it’s the hustle that comes with our work. No matter what level of your career, voice part, or genre, we can all share stories of our insanely packed… continue

A Singer's Walk through Boston
When you think of Boston, what comes to mind? Colleges and universities? Historical significance? Compact walkability? These are all parts of Boston’s charm, if you make a visit don’t miss the city’s… continue

How to Make More Money in the Arts: Ask!
BSR welcomes Boston-area singer and pianist Eileen Huang as a guest today. She shares some encouraging advice on how to make more money in the arts.

The Importance of Self-Care
Hi Readers! I'm beyond pleased to share with you this most excellent guest post by singer and psychotherapist Lyndie Laramore.

The No-Show No-No
Business etiquette is hugely important in the singing business, but it's unfortunately one of those things that people seem to learn the hard way after they've already breached the social niceties.

Failure and Resilience
So we're all reeling from the election results, right? I mean, alcohol sales in blue states must have tripled last week.